Appointment of Medical Treatment Decision Makers

Appointment of Medical Treatment Decision Makers

Appointment of Medical Treatment Decision Makers

In Victoria, the Appointment of Medical Treatment Decision Makers (AMTDM) is a legal document that allows individuals to appoint someone to make medical treatment decisions on their behalf if they become incapable of making those decisions due to illness or incapacity.

The AMTDM is specific to medical treatment choices and differs from other documents like enduring powers of attorney (EPA) or guardianship appointments, which may cover broader aspects of personal and financial decisions.

The AMTDM is important for several reasons:

1.     Choice of Decision Maker: An AMTDM allows individuals to appoint a trusted person, often a family member or friend, to act as their medical treatment decision maker. This ensures that the person making medical decisions is someone who knows the individual's preferences and values.

2.     Maintaining Personal Autonomy: The AMTDM reflects an individual's preferences regarding medical treatment, including life-sustaining treatments. It allows them to make decisions in advance about the medical care they would like to receive or not receive, thus maintaining personal autonomy over their healthcare.

3.     Peace of Mind: Knowing that there is a designated decision maker who will advocate for their wishes can provide peace of mind to individuals, especially in situations where they may lose the capacity to communicate their preferences.

4.     Reducing Family Disputes: Having a legally appointed medical treatment decision maker can help prevent disagreements among family members about medical treatment choices when the individual is unable to make decisions. This can reduce stress and conflict during difficult times.

5.     Aligning with Personal Values: The AMTDM allows individuals to specify their values and preferences regarding medical treatment. This can include decisions about resuscitation, life support, organ donation, and other critical medical choices.

6.     Compliance with Legal Requirements: In some Australian states and territories, there are specific legal requirements for appointing medical treatment decision makers. Having an AMTDM ensures compliance with these requirements and can facilitate smooth decision-making processes in healthcare settings.

7.     End-of-Life Care Planning: The AMTDM is a valuable tool in end-of-life care planning. It enables individuals to make informed choices about the level of medical intervention they wish to receive as they approach the end of their life.


It's important to note that the specific requirements for AMTDM documents may vary among Australian states and territories. Individuals should consult with a lawyer experienced in healthcare and medical decision-making laws in their jurisdiction to ensure that their AMTDM is properly drafted and legally valid.

In addition to the AMTDM, individuals may also consider creating an Advance Care Directive (ACD), which is a written statement that outlines their values, preferences, and wishes for future healthcare. An ACD can complement the AMTDM by providing more detailed guidance to the appointed medical treatment decision maker.